TM DecisionsThe following pages contain judgements or at least their basic principles sorted according to their topic. Apart from the basic principles, there are also statements of the facts of the case and comments on the judgement. Comments reflect our opinion and can not claim to be complete. Please note that each judgement, even the most judicial, is always based on a particular individual case. Therefore, it is neither possible nor sensible to make generalisations. Rather, it is recommended to revise the facts of an individual case. At present you will find the following decisions (judgements and rulings) on this page: - The Federal High Court of Justice BONUS II (The Federal High Court of Justice, ruling of 28th February 2002 – IZB 10/99 – Federal Patent Tribunal)
- ECJ (Court of Justice of the European Communities) colour trademark (ECJ judgement of – Ref.: C-104/01 – Colour Trademark Orange)